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     The first service was held in the Commissioner's Court room on Saturday, June 26,1976. There were 44 present. On Sunday, June 27, there were 28 present for the morning worship. The following were in attendance on that first Lord's Day: Mae and C.D. Autrey, the Louis Fuller family, Perry Fuqua family, John Gaydonfamily, Boyd and Evelyn Jackson, Lawrence and Thelma Lee Nolan, Tommy Parker family, Marguerite Obercamp, Ethis Rosenquist, Harvey and Nell Williams. In addition, there were Paul, Lou, Alice, Brad, Glenn and Aliana Roden, from Lewisville; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cobb. Subsequent meetings were held in the school building. Property was bought, and the congregation started meeting there in a few weeks. Words of encouragement, prayers and financial help came from individuals and congregations. We will be forever grateful for this help.
